

Wait for It: Atlanta Waiting Room Design

Whether you’re a psychologist, dentist, physician, masseuse, acupuncturist, or banker – chances are you have a waiting room for patients or clients. Furthermore, as a ...
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quality office chairs atlanta

5 Highly Rated Office Chairs for Various Budgets

The reality of the typical office environment is this. You will be sitting a lot despite those articles about “sitting is the new smoking” and ...
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7 Tips of Lobby Design

Whether you refer to it as an entryway, foyer, lobby, vestibule, or reception area, a few hard and fast suggestions can help businesses looking to ...
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Open and Traditional Offices – Can You Have a Blend?

Open and Traditional Offices – Can You Have a Blend? If this blog title is giving you déjà vu, there’s a perfectly good reason. We’ve ...
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Engage Employees and Showcase Culture with Artwork

Whether the people inside your office are employees, clients, the general public, or a mix of all three, artwork is a key to the interior ...
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Workplace Wellness Adjustments

Employers know having healthier employees means lower healthcare expenses and higher productivity. Many companies have workplace wellness programs that include gym discounts or hold competitions for employees to reach ...
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Mud Pie

Does Your Retail Space Whisper or Wow?

Planning Interiors works with corporate clients, medical professionals and solo business owners with brick and mortar locations. We’d like to spend time discussing the last ...
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Five Minute Feng Shui Your Office

If your commercial office space could speak, what would it say? “These file cabinets are from the Cold War but you should hire us for ...
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Trends in Atlanta Office Design

Atlantans are resilient. We are the only U.S. city to be destroyed by fire in an act of war and then we rebuilt. This is ...
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Choosing a commercial interior designer will ACTUALLY save you money and time

Whether your business is changing locations or just looking to renovate, hiring an independent professional commercial interior designer will transform your workplace into a sleek ...
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