Tips for Designing a Corporate Office

Corporate Office DesignMany offices are embracing collaborative coworking spaces while traditional corporate office design has been placed on the back burner. But corporate office design doesn’t have to be made up of outdated, boring, and cold feeling cubicles. There is a new approach to designing a corporate office that embraces modern, professional workspaces.


Employee productivity is a priority for corporate office design and any office design, really. You want your space to be simple and easily accessible to everyone. If your team is constantly searching for tools they need or don’t have enough space to concentrate on their work, they probably won’t get much done.

Dedicated work areas with enough space for a computer, paperwork, and other tools is a must along with storage space for supplies and materials within easy reach of desks.

Teamwork and Collaboration

If your company relies on teamwork or collaboration amongst employees, you also need a space that supports this. Open-style offices allow for a lot of flexible space for teams to collaborate in groups and also the privacy to work individually.

Reception Area

Corporate Office Design

The reception area is the most important for client-facing businesses. This area should be spectacular. The functionality of the workplace is most often found in its first impression, which is the reception area. A pleasant reception area has a positive impact on visitors as well as employees.


The design of a corporate office is important, but don’t forget about the furniture. This element is important for your employees and can either promote productivity or demotivate them. Comfortable, adjustable furniture is important as most employees sit in an office chair all day.

Lounge Area

Corporate Office Design

This may seem counterproductive to getting work done, but comfort plays a major role in creativity and productivity. Allowing a space to step away from your desk and kick your feet up and brainstorm is exactly what is needed for fostering great ideas. Lounge areas also encourage people to destress and socialize, rather than staying alone in their workspace.

The main inspiration for corporate office designs these days are the people who will be working there. Keeping this in mind and catering to their needs makes for great employee experience and defines contemporary corporate office design.

Luckily, Planning Interiors is able to help you take these elements and incorporate them to your office in an aesthetically pleasing way. If you need help with your corporate office design, contact a Planning Interiors designer today for a consultation!

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